
When To Use Depriester Chart
when to use depriester chart

when to use depriester chart

When To Use Depriester Chart How To Simplify The

Carry out bubble and dew point calculations for a given mixture Carry out flash calculation in order to determine the vapor/liquidFraction as well as the mixture composition of each phase at specified conditions using available K-Values etc.RKAC1 is vaporpressure vs. Apply Raoults law and Henrys law to solve simple thermodynamicProblems. Apply simplified VLE equations to obtain data for P-XY, T-XY and X-Y diagrams. Derive and simplify equations of VLE. K (or DePriester) Chart (high T range) in American Engineering Units from Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (7 th ed) by Smith, J.M., Van Ness, H.C., and Abbott, M.M.It is expected that students have the ability to: Describe the behaviour of VLE and how to simplify the VLE problem. The -value is where the green line intersects the curve for propane ().

Note: z1=y1=1 (10.14) If Raoult's Law valid, Pd 1yiPiPlot Tx1y1 at P=70kPaChoose T between T1sat and T2sat , calculate P1sat and P2sat and use these to calculate x1 by the following eqn.XiKi 1 (10.13). For Raoult's Law, P xiPisat (10.2) P x1P1sat x2P2sat x1P1sat (1 x1)P2satP (P1sat P2sat )x1 P2sat note: a linear line (y=mx+c)Calculate P for a set of x1 and then calculate y1using,183.211750.888074.960.8750.748366.720.6750.569258.470.4750.331350.230.275041.98075y1P(kPa)x1TB sat liquid solution or bubblepointPb is by BUBL PC sat vapor mixtureor dewpointPd is by DEW PDEW P calculationCalculate Pd and x1, given y1 and TSo lets calculate Pd at z1=0.6 and T=75oC.This is point c in previous Px1y1 diagram. 1000 kPa and 0 oCBUBL P: Calculate and PTo calculate the T when the 1st dew (drop of liquid) appear as a result of decrease in T at constant PTo calculate the T when the last dew disappear as a result of increase in T at constant P.Let T=1 mol, so V and L are mole fractionszi Lxi Vyi zi (1V )xi Vyi (A)Substitute yi Kixi into (A)zi (1V )xi KixiV xi (1V VKi ) xi (1V (Ki 1))xiAcetonitrile(1)/Nitromethane(2)Antoine Eqn,Calculate P and y1, given a set of x1 and T=75oCThis is BUBL P calculation.XiKi 1 (10.13). For Raoults law, needs PisatTherefore requires TFor light hydrocarbon mixture where Kiis essentially function of T and P only, the valuecould be simply tabulated as in DePriester chart.Read value of K-valueat given T and Pe.g. T curve for species 2C1 and C2 are critical points for species 1 & 2Under surface issaturated-vapor (P,T,y1 surface)Top surface issaturated-liquid(P,T,x1 surface)AEDBLA givesFigure 10.2 (a)Pxy phase diagram at constant TKJIHLK givesFigure 10.2 (b)Txy phase diagram at constant PF (liquid solution)L (bubble point)W (dew point)G (Gas mixture)LV = tie lineL = bubble pointW = dew pointNote: species 1 has higher vapor pressure or lower boiling point than species 2Most chemical processes operate at this P, T rangeAzeotropex1=y1 x2=y2Liquid composition= Gas composition

Stop if this is equal or close to earlier value of T, else use this value as a new guess. Calculate ik, (note: Number of ik is equal to number of component)6. Arbitrarily pick a component, e.g. Note: z1=x1XiKi 1 (10.13), For Raoult's Law, Pb xiPisat (10.2) Pb xiPisat Pksat xi PiThe solution is not straightforward as T is unknown.BUBL T calculationSolution is through iteration,T xi Tisat2.

Finally, calculate yi using Raoults law (Use Antoine Eqn for Pisat)76.4244.221.971776.4376.4344.241.970376.

when to use depriester chart